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Learning is not enough, apply the soft skills learned to avoid forgetting them

In today's world, soft skills are like hidden superpowers for both beginners in the professional world and students aiming to kickstart their careers. These skills are all about communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, and everyone knows they're important. But here's the thing: learning them is not enough; you have to practice using them in real-life situations or you will simply forget them.

Picture this: you've taken a course or attended a workshop on soft skills. You've learned about things like critical thinking and collaboration. You understand the concepts, but when it comes to applying them in your job, it's like you're starting from scratch. Ever wondered why that happens? Well, the answer is pretty simple: practice.

You might have heard the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." It perfectly sums up the importance of practice in learning.

Let's take the example of a Time Management workshop. In a regular session, you'd learn all about the importance of managing your time effectively, get tips and tricks, and maybe even play some fun games. It's a lot of information packed into one session, but there's often not much time to practice what you've learned. And guess what? That means you're likely to forget most of it pretty quickly.

Now, imagine an ideal Time Management workshop. Instead of just throwing information at you, it introduces a practical approach to managing your time. For instance, it might talk about the 80-20 rule (which says that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts) and show you how it's used in a real-life situation. Then, you're encouraged to create a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on your goals, using that rule. This hands-on approach makes it much easier to apply what you've learned to your everyday life.

The big lesson here is that practice is the key to learning and using soft skills effectively. And when that practice connects directly to what you're expected to do in your job or studies, it's even better.

Let's say you're a Customer Service Associate (CSA), and you attend a Time Management workshop. Instead of just getting a list of things to do, the workshop could teach you specific techniques to save time on calls. You'd then get to practice those techniques in simulated calls. This not only helps you understand better, but also equips you to handle real customer calls more efficiently.

To make the most of the online courses and training you take, you need to find ways to put what you've learned into action in your everyday life. If you don't, it's like learning to ride a bike and then never getting on one again—you'll forget how to do it.

In a nutshell, whether you're a student or a professional, soft skills are your secret weapon. But remember, it's not enough to learn about them; you've got to practice them in real-life situations. By doing so, you'll turn those skills into superpowers that can help you succeed in your career. So, go out there, practice, and watch your soft skills shine!


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